Monday, March 23, 2009

Artificial Intelligence / Satisfiability of CNF Formulas (1)

Write a program to generate random CNF formulas. Your program should receive as parameters n, the number of variables, k, the number of literals per clause, and m, the number of clauses. Make sure your program does not generate clauses with repeated variables.


   1: clear all; close all; clc

   2: n=input('Number of variables n=');

   3: k=input('Number of literals per clause k=');

   4: m=input('Number of clauses m=');

   5: if k>(2*n) 

   6:     errordlg('number of literals per clause must be less or equal to 2 times n');

   7: else

   8:     xn=zeros(1,k);

   9:     fprintf('\n\n');

  10:     for o=1:m

  11:         if o==1

  12:             fprintf('  (');

  13:         else

  14:             fprintf('\n^ (');

  15:         end

  16:         for p=1:k

  17:             xnt=floor(rand*n);

  18:             while any(xn==xnt)

  19:                 xnt=round(rand*n);

  20:             end

  21:             xn(p)=xnt;            

  22:             if p~=1 

  23:                 fprintf(' v ')

  24:             end

  25:             if round(rand)==0

  26:                 fprintf('!');

  27:             end

  28:             fprintf('x%i',xnt);

  29:         end        

  30:         fprintf(')')

  31:     end

  32:     fprintf('\n\n');

  33: end

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